My Journey

Hey there! Thanks for being here. I wanted to share a bit about my background and who I am. I hail from small town Ohio, then played collegiate soccer at the University of Indianapolis. I studied public relations while launching a media business, then started a music company with a never before done business model called Soundspace – think “music gym”. In addition to the athletics and business, there has been a deep inner journey of personal development largely aided by the use of plant medicine.

The growth in each of these arenas has sparked a passion to pay these lessons forward, and lead others in building from the roots-up / inside-out, in life and in business. I have had the pleasure of sitting with shamans from 2 different countries, and facilitating a few retreat and ceremonial experiences of my own. Though I’m much closer to sherpa than shaman, I’m here to help guide others along their own unique path of discovery and prosperity!

I’d be lying if I said the vulnerability of stepping into this next chapter wasn’t intense some days; however, I know that this path is spirit-led and lights my soul on fire like nothing else!

It’s an honor to serve each and every person that has come into my sphere. And the best part? The journey is just beginning. 🙂

Let’s go!






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